Platform FAQs

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We offer MetaTrader 5 (or ‘MT5’) access which allows traders to access financial markets on mobile, tablet and laptop – so you can trade from the office, a taxi or even your own breakfast table. MT5 is the world’s most popular trading platform – it offers customizable charts, flexible strategies, and a unique dashboard with Expert Advisor tools that allow you to test your strategies or/and enable automated trading.

What is MetaTrader 5?

MetaTrader 5 is a trading platform developed by MetaQuotes Software for online trading in forex, contract for differences (CFDs) and futures markets.
MT5 provides tools and resources that allow traders to analyze price & place, to manage trades and to employ automated trading techniques.

How do I download the MT5 platform?

Open a Demo or live trading account with F O MArkets to access MT5 on our client portal. Once your account is verified, we’ll email you a link to start the installation process that will enable you to trade on any device.

How do I login to MT5?

Open MT5 & enter your F O MArkets account details in the authorization login box. If it hasn’t popped up, you can also go to ‘File’ > ‘Login to Trade account’ and the login box will appear.

If you have yet to download MT5 – first you’ll need to get your login number, password & access to the client portal (our server). Once you’ve opened an F O MArkets account, these details will be emailed to you & you’ll be able to download MT5 on your preferred device.

What happens to my positions if I logout of MT5?

Open positions will not be closed if you log out of MT5 until an existing stop loss, take profit or stop out level is reached. Always make sure to monitor your trades and be aware of financing fees if you’re rolling a position past trading hours.

What time zone does MT5 operate on?

MT5 always coincides with the NY close.

During ‘daylight savings’ (27.03.2022 – 30.10.2022) it will operate on GMT+3, and in winter on GMT+2.

Can I change MT5’s time zone?

Unfortunately, no, MT5 will always coincide with the NY close.

What price is shown on MT5?

The prices shown on the live charts & all history prices are the BID prices only. To see both the BID and the ASK prices check the Market Watch – which displays the symbols, prices and spreads depending on what you choose to add to the columns.

You can add the ASK line by right-clicking on the main body of the chart, click on ‘Properties’ > ‘Show ASK’ line. The ASK line will then appear showing you the current BUY (ASK) price.

Typical spreads can be seen on our Product pages, however these are an indicative and can vary during overnight hours and news releases.

What price is shown on MT5?

The prices shown on the live charts & all history prices are the BID prices only. To see both the BID and the ASK prices check the Market Watch – which displays the symbols, prices and spreads depending on what you choose to add to the columns.

You can add the ASK line by right-clicking on the main body of the chart, click on ‘Properties’ > ‘Show ASK’ line. The ASK line will then appear showing you the current BUY (ASK) price.

Typical spreads can be seen on our Product pages, however these are an indicative and can vary during overnight hours and news releases.

How do I place an order on MT5?

Once the Order Window has been opened, traders can enter information into fields and make selections from drop-down lists to prepare the trade order.

You must specify the following:

Symbol from the drop-down list at the top (this will automatically be set to the symbol on the active chart). A corresponding tick chart appears in the left pane that displays current prices.

Volume in terms of lot size. 1.0 is equal to 1 lot, or 100,000 units. You can also select to trade in smaller volumes, such as 0.1 or 0.01.

Stop Loss and Take Profit to set a limit that you would like your trade to be closed at.

Comment if desired. Traders can enter text in the Comment field that will be assigned to the order.

Type either Market Execution (a market order) or Pending Order (a limit order; discussed more in the Pending Orders section) where the trader can specify the desired entry price.

After these fields have been specified:

Click ‘Sell by Market’ or ‘Buy by Market’, depending on the desired trade direction, to place the trade.

Click ‘Okay’ to close the window.

How do I select from ‘Pending Orders’?

If a Pending Order is selected, select the type of order from the drop-down menu. Available order types include:

Buy Limit: Buy; provided the future “ask” price is equal to the pre-defined value & the current price level is higher than the value of the placed order. Orders of this type are usually placed when anticipating that the asset price will increase after having fallen to a certain level.

Sell Limit: Sell; provided the future “bid” price is equal to the pre-defined value & the current price level is lower than the value of the placed order. Orders of this type are usually placed in anticipation of that the asset price, having increased to a certain level, will fall.

Buy Stop: Buy; provided the future “ask” price is equal to the pre-defined value & the current price level is lower than the value of the placed order. Orders of this type are usually placed in anticipation of that the asset price, having reached a certain level, will keep on increasing.

Sell Stop: Sell; provided the future “bid” price is equal to the pre-defined value & the current price level is higher than the value of the placed order. Orders of this type are usually placed in anticipation of that the asset price, having reached a certain level, will keep on falling.

Then specify the price at which the order will be triggered at by entering the value next to the ‘at price’ field.

To avoid manually entering the price, click on the up or down arrow next to the price field to fill in the current price, and then adjust as you deem necessary.

How can I close a trade?

1. In the Terminal window, click on the trade tab and highlight your open position, double click on it and the new order window will appear.

2. Click on the yellow button below ‘Sell’ and ‘Buy’ to close out a position.

3. Right click on the highlighted order and select Close Order.

If one-click-trading is enabled, you can close a position in clicking on the ‘X’ on the right hand side of the order line in the Terminal window.

Always remember to trade within your means, keep a close eye on your open trades and to use appropriate risk management tools like setting ‘Take Profit’ (which is similar to stop loss) to automatically trigger closing a position.

How can I see all available products on MT5?

To see all available products, right click ‘Market Watch’ and select ‘Show all’.

Can I use Expert Advisors & Autotraders on MT5?

Yes, MetaTrader 5 allows the use of 80+ technical tools including Expert Advisors and Auto traders.

How do l use EAs (Expert Advisors) on my MT5?

F O MArkets does not place any restrictions on third party indicators or Expert advisors as long as they’re compatible with the MT5 platform.

To start using EAs, please follow these steps:

Go to ‘File‘ and select ‘Open Data Folder’ on the MT5 Platform.

Go to ‘MQL5’ and open folder ‘Experts’.

Transfer the EA files into the folder and close the MT5 trading platform.

Once you open your trading platform again, the Expert Advisor will appear on your ‘Navigator’ list on the MT5 platform.

Can I use a Virtual Private Server (VPS)?

Yes, we allow third-party VPS providers to be used.

Can I download a statement from MT5?

Yes, you can. If you’d like to download a statement, please follow these steps:

Open the platform and login with your F O MArkets account details.

Select the ‘Account History’ tab in the terminal.

Right click in the middle of the terminal and select ‘custom period’.

Select the start and finish date for the tax year you need and press ‘OK’. The history from the period selected will then fill the ‘Account History’ section.

Right click again and select ‘Save Report’.

To get in touch with the support team, please use the links below.